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Art and Design

Average Rating3.60
(based on 275 reviews)

Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Colouring Book - 65 Original Designs

Colouring Book - 65 Original Designs

Children and adults sometimes need a focus at times of stress and anxiety. Concentrating the mind on a straightforward activity such as colouring can have a calming effect and Allow for refocus. This resource might help an individual regain focus. 65 original drawings are provided ready for colouring. The drawings vary in complexity. This resource can also be used as an extension activity or simply for fun. Suitable for SEN students, but equally suitable for main stream students.
ART. Why ALPS score might not be accurate for ART.

ART. Why ALPS score might not be accurate for ART.

It's time for HODs to do data analysis and you might find that your A level ALPS score isn't as good as you had hoped. There might be reasons for this and this document provides an explanation of these reasons. The statements can be copied and dropped into your own analysis documents ... and can of course be edited to fit the needs of your department. Provided as a Word document for complete editing freedom.
Art.  Art Department Teacher Handbook 2019

Art. Art Department Teacher Handbook 2019

A comprehensive Art Department Teacher handbook covering vision, philosophy, health and safety, expectations of students, course descriptions and more. The handbook provides a fully editable resource which can be modified to suit all Art departments.
GCSE Art Unit of Study and Support Materials - NATURAL FORMS

GCSE Art Unit of Study and Support Materials - NATURAL FORMS

This resource provides a GCSE Art Scheme of Study based on Natural Forms. The scheme provides opportunities for full coverage of the four Assessment Objectives. Also included are 11 individual slideshows of photographic images to support the scheme. There is also a photocopiable step by step student guide to developing an effective sketchbook based on natural forms. This resource has been designed to relate to both the existing specification and the new GCSE Art specification which will be rolled out next academic year. Resources have been developed by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior A level Art Moderator and professional artist.
ART. Complete Art Department 2018.  90 Files

ART. Complete Art Department 2018. 90 Files

10 Resources
90 resources!! This massive resource provides everything you need to deliver a thorough, Ofsted ready Art curriculum. Schemes of work for KS3, 4 and 5, supporting resources, policies, handbooks, planning templates, art history resources, visuals, step by step slideshows and much more. Over 90 individual files. Fully updated for 2016-17
Start Art - The Complete Middle School Art Curriculum

Start Art - The Complete Middle School Art Curriculum

This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required, and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style. Includes a 40 image slideshow of example student work. Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, color theory, architecture .... and much more. The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through Middle School. The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Examiner and Professional Artist.
SECONDARY Art Curriculum

SECONDARY Art Curriculum

The US version of this resource has been awarded 5 stars by the TES team. This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style. Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, colour theory, architecture .... and much more. The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years. It also offers activities that directly link to GCSE Art Assessment Objectives, ensuring students are "GCSE ready" by the end of Key Stage 3. The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Moderator and Professional Artist. The resource can be used in conjunction with Mael's other Art resources which can be found at https:tes.com/teaching-resources-shop/mael
Art Resources. Everything you need for 2016 -2017. Updated

Art Resources. Everything you need for 2016 -2017. Updated

This massive resource for Middle School Art departments comprises 52 individual files. A full year of schemes of study A vast range of supporting visuals and slide shows Student and staff handbooks Student feedback forms Policies including Health and Safety and a Gifted and Talented policy Cross curricular information such as colours in different languages A vision for Art Education Art Technician duty list and ..... The Complet Art Curriculum Book ..... plus much more. These resources have been produced by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, professional artist and Senior Art examiner.
Careers in Art and Design. Updated for 2017-18

Careers in Art and Design. Updated for 2017-18

Having trouble recruiting students onto your GCSE or A level Art course in these competitive times? This slideshow might help. The diverse range of different art related careers outlined with an illustrated slide for each career. Also the more general benefits of developing creativity are highlighted. An ideal resource to show Year 9 students in the run up to them making their choices about which subject to study. Updated for 2017-18
Home Learning. Art Video Lessons. Perspective Drawing

Home Learning. Art Video Lessons. Perspective Drawing

These videos show students how to use the rules of perspective to develop their drawings. 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective are all covered. The activities are explained and demonstrated in a clear, straightforward manner. The videos can be used as the basis of a classroom lesson or alternatively could be sent to students who are currently in lock-down and having to do distance learning. There are 8 videos: An Introduction to 1 Point Perspective An Introduction to 2 Point Perspective An Introduction to 3 Point Perspective Draw a Winding Road using 1 Point Perspective Draw a Winding, Undulating Road using 1 Point Perspective Draw a House in 2 Point Perspective Draw Steps using 2 Point Perspective Draw a Countryside Scene using 1 Point Perspective
AQA GCSE Art Exam 2020

AQA GCSE Art Exam 2020

Get the GCSE Art exam unit off to flying start in January with this resource. We hand out the AQA GCSE Art Component 2 exam papers in January. Support students from the start with this bundle of resources. Included are the following. Question starting point suggestions for Art and Design and Fine Art External task support document for students which guides them through the development of preparatory work that fully meets the requirements of the four Assessment Objectives. A student friendly explanation of the Assessment Objectives which highlights the need to develop ideas. Guidance on how to develop a final outcome. An example of a grade 9 sketchbook A step by step guide to developing a sketchbook. A fully editable letter template to parents informing them of the work that students will be undertaking and how support at home would be helpful. An art history printable. Supporting images for Q1 (Art and design and Fine Art) and Q6 (Fine Art) The 2019 version of this resource was a TES top download. All resources are print friendly. We hope that this dramatically reduces your workload at the start of the development phase. Please note that questions are referred to by number only so as not to infringe Ofqual regulations about reproducing questions. You will therefore need to cross reference these notes with the original question papers. If you would like to only download supporting images rather than everything else offered here please go to the following pages [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-art-exam-2020-photographs-of-crowds-of-people-12229399] [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-art-component-2-exam-2020-movement-images-12229479]
GCSE Art Revision. AQA Art Component 2 2019.

GCSE Art Revision. AQA Art Component 2 2019.

GCSE Revision. We will be handing out the Component 2 papers in the New Year. This printable resource provides clear, useful advice for students as they begin to develop their preparatory work. It includes the following. Introductory advice about how to develop work. Week by week plan to developing work. Checklist to help students ensure they are developing work that addresses the Assessment Objectives Final Outcome checklist to ensure that students clearly communicate their intentions - this is very helpful for the teacher, ensuring that all materials are ready. How to analyse artwork flow diagram. How to analyse their own work flow diagram. Student friendly explanation of what the Assessment Objectives actually mean. A fully editable letter to parents / carers explaining the requirements of this stage of the GCSE Art course. We hope that this resource helps get Component 2 underway and cuts your workload.
FREE Video Art Lessons - Over 70 Videos

FREE Video Art Lessons - Over 70 Videos

This is a totally free service during the Corona Crisis. There will be a new art activity posted every week during the Coronavirus crisis. So far there are over 70 videos to choose from… and the number is increasing every day! This is a free service that we are offering which we hope will help teachers, students are parents continue with art and creativity during this troubled time. A wide range of themes will be covered. Lessons cover drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printing, mixed media, digital, presentation techniques, Top sketchbook examples… and many more. suitable for all ages … even Simply download the Word document and use the link, or even easier, just click here Then simply subscribe to the channel to make sure you get access to every new video. We really hope this helps people during this difficult time. Stay safe everyone!
New GCSE Art Specification Component 1 Sketchbook Development Guide

New GCSE Art Specification Component 1 Sketchbook Development Guide

The new GCSE Art specification will be taught from September 2016 onwards. This resource provides students with an easy to follow sketchbook guide that is fully aligned to the new specification. The guide offers background information on the nature of the new specification. this includes how it will be marked and the requirements of the new Assessment Objectives. Students are then guided through a broad range of activities which link directly to the AOs and therefore encourage full coverage of them. This resource is equally useful to teachers, providing a step by step course structure that teachers can adapt to meet their particular requirements.
GCSE Art Component 2 Student Guide 2025

GCSE Art Component 2 Student Guide 2025

We will be handing out GCSE Art Component 2 2025 question papers in January. This is a FULLY EDITABLE 12 page guide for students to help them develop artwork for GCSE Art Component 2. It is suitable for all exam boards including AQA and Edexcel. As it is fully editable it is suitable for use with ALL TITLES; Art and Design, Fine Art, Textiles, Graphics, Photography, 3D Design. This fully illustrated guide leads the student through the stages of development of a thorough set of work that meets the requirements of the assessment objectives. Drawing in all its forms is strongly encouraged, as drawing underpins all other work, no matter which Title is being followed. This resource is used in an outstanding Art Department. No exam questions are reproduced in this resource. The guidance given provides a structure that works irrespective of the starting point. Potentially, this could be used as an outline for the development of Component 1 too!! Also includes an editable planning sheet to help students organise themselves right from the start. This resource is provided as a Word doc so that you can edit it to meet your needs. For instance, tailor it to your exam board and deadline dates, or add your own images and artist references. We hope it helps! **P.S, be sure to unzip (extract) the file once downloaded. To do this, simply right click on the file and choose “Extract all” from the menu. You will then have a fully editable resource. **The zipped download system is set by TES, by the way, authors have no choice in the matter. It is to speed up the download process.
Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Art Curriculum 2017-18

Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Art Curriculum 2017-18

This thorough resource provides 38 linked lesson plans (158 pages) suitable for the Scottish Curriculum of Excellence. Lessons are aimed at students in S1, 2 and 3 (Third / Fourth level). Each lesson builds upon the last ensuring that progress can be easily demonstrated. Themes covered include formal drawing, ceramics, wire sculpture, collage, painting and much more. Each lesson plan comprises clear teacher guidance, risk assessment, materials list, aims and objectives, a student friendly explanation sheet and a homework sheet. The resource has been developed to engage students in skills and elements required to fulfil the Higher Art and Design Course Specification (C704 76).
Key Stage 3 Art Curriculum

Key Stage 3 Art Curriculum

This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required, and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style. Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, colour theory, architecture .... and much more. The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years. The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Moderator and Professional Artist.